Friday, May 23, 2008

Everyone Has To Start Somewhere

I'd been thinking about starting a blog for a while, but was hung up on the first step - finding a title. That doesn't really bode well for this blog does it? I bet you can't imagine that I'm gonna be the most prolific blogger, if I can't even come up with a decent title eh? 

Anyway, I eventually stumbled on to a title I liked. Its the title of a song by Elliott Smith. The phrase sums up my ambitions for this blog - that in time the words and (hopefully) wisdom that I lay down here will be worth seeking out, like the proverbial needle hidden in a stack of hay.

So its time to make my thoughts public. Time to send them out in to the big wide world, with a packed lunch and their best pair of underwear, where they'll hopefully do me proud.

What will I write about? Bikes mostly, and all things related to bikes, and all kinds of other obscure things that I find a way to link with bikes. You see, I'm a professional trail builder, mountain bike trails mostly, but also walking trails to a lesser degree. My entry into this distinguished and unusual career was through the sport of mountain biking, which has featured heavily in my life since the early 90's. I firmly believe that the bike is one of mankind's most inspired inventions and that bikes could save the world, if only we could all find a bit more time to ride them.

So, I guess my title is a bit misleading if the blog is to focus on cycling, but hey, I like it and it sums up my ambitions for this blog. I tried to find something 'bikey' but they all seemed contrived or had been done before.